
St. Peter's Square & the Sun Wheel , idolatry of Catholic Church

In St. Peter's Square too, the image of the sun is skillfully hidden.
In a round circle of the square, there is a cross with an X through it; it looks exactly like the symbol of the Babylonian sun-god, Shamash. The Babylonian sun-god, Shamash, also appears in the image of a wheel. The ancient sun-worshipers believed that the sun-god rode the chariot and they regarded the wheel of the chariot as the sun. We can notice that St. Peter's Square is also the figuration of the sun.
God the Father and God the Mother who are savior in this Holy Spirit age said to us "  Come out of her, my people so that youwill not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues, ..." ( Rev. 18:4~5 )

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