
Since the "Mother" in Galatians 4 Means a Country, Heavenly Mother Does Not Exist- WMSCOG , Christ Ahnsahnghong

It is true that the Heavenly Jerusalem refers to the actual place. Then, Heavenly Mother does not exist? That's not it!
For example, if someone says, "My hometown is my mother," does it mean that he only has a hometown and not his mother? On the contrary, isn't it possible to express his hometown in that way because he has his mother?
Likewise, the Bible testifies to the existence of our spiritual Mother who is represented as the Heavenly Jerusalem, our spiritual home. Their insistence is a hasty conclusion caused by only understanding the Bible partially.
WORLD MISSION SOCIETY CHURCH OF GOD ( WMSCOG ) believe in Heavenly Father ( Christ Ahnsahnghong ) and Heavenly Mother ( Heavenly Jerusalem ) as savior who give us eternal life through the new covenant Passover in this Holy Spirit age.

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