
God the Mother Does Not Exist Because There Are No Father's Records About "Elohim" -Truth WMSCOG

[False Claim of NCPCOG]
In the Truth Books and the sermon tapes that Christ Ahnsahnghong left, there is no teaching that the Hebrew word "elohim" indicates plural God. "elohim" is an expression made by the General Pastor of the Church of God afterwards. Therefore, God the Mother does not exist.

1. "Elohim" is the word of God
About 3,500 years ago, Moses designated God as "Elohim," the plural term of God, in the Hebrew Bible. "elohim" is a Biblical word which God let the prophets record, being carried along by the Holy Spirit. How can they insist that the word, which God made recorded, was made up by the General Pastor?
Moreover, the LORD God, who let Moses record His words in the Bible, is Christ Ahnsahnghong. So the Hebrew word "elohim" is one of the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong, regardless of the age when it was recorded.

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