
Truth of the Rumor About WMSCOG - The Church of God Sectarianized After Christ Ahnsahnghong Ascended

False Claim of NCPCOG]
After Christ Ahnsahnghong ascended, the church was divided into two groups; the "NCPCOG" and the "Church of God." Therefore, the "World Mission Society Church of God" that believes in God the Mother is one of sectarianized churches and cannot be considered as the original church.

1. The situation of the early Church
Their claim is just a childish play on words of those who are busy slandering the Church of God without studying the truth we preach.
In the manner that they insist, they must say that the early Church is not the original one, either. At Jesus' first coming, people who did not receive the truth fully left the church. Just because there were such people, can they insist that the early Church which was led by the apostles is not the original Church of God Jesus established?


  1. If 'NCPCOG' is original, they must keep and follow all the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong, without exception. Passover, Sabbath on Sat, Veil, all the Feasts of God, even Heavenly Mother. If not, the church is not true.

  2. Anonymous28 June, 2013

    The situation of the early Church is the same situation. one is true. the other is false. WMSCOG follow the bible. in other words, WMSCOG is true.
