
The Church of God Does Not Tell All Information to New Members [ Truth About WMSCOG ]

[False Claim]
The Church of God does not make known everything to new members from the beginning. Things like, “It needs personal time to study the Bible,” “Members must keep the Sabbath fully,” and “Tithes” are taught lastly. Since the church does not make known all information from the beginning, new members cannot make the right decision and are deceived.

1. The example of parents
 Parents do not teach their children everything that their children should do when they become adults all at once. As children grow, parents teach them one by one. Does that mean parents are deceiving their children?

2. The example of Jesus
 When Jesus called His disciples, did He teach them from the beginning that they would be hated by all because of His name? Or did He teach them from the beginning that they should preach, preparing themselves to be martyred? No.
 Jesus helped their faith grow while being with them for three years. He let them have a firm faith gradually, and finally made them workers with great faith who did not even mind being martyred.

According to their insistence, Jesus who was willing to suffer on the cross to save humankind also deceived His disciples. Therefore, their claim is wrong.

World Mission Society Church of God ( WMSCOG ) follow the teaching of Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother in the bible.
Heavenly Father Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother give us eternal life through the Passover.

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