
Because She is Our Mother ( Heavenly Mother , Christ Ahnsahnghong )

Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother Protect us from all disasters in the world through the new covenant Passover.
Elohim God promise us to bring to heavenly Kingdom and give us Eternal life through the water of life.

For a while it seemed like the cold weather was over, but it was cold again.
Because of this genial weather, my second son constantly took off his coat for few days.
At last, he started to cough and had fever.
I continuously told him to wear his coat, but he wouldn't just listen.
After supper, I gave him some medicine and tucked him to bed early.
 early that day, and I also fell asleep being exhausted.
How much did I sleep?
I heard my child moaning silently in his room.
Instinctively, I got up and went for my child.
My child was calling me with high fever.
On the other hand, my eldest son in the other room was peacefully asleep.
Surely I am a heavy sleeper. I didn't know how I heard that small sound, that very fainting voice...
I thought it was fortunate that I heard it.
As I laid a cold towel on his forehead, I was moved to tears.
"This is the reason why our Heavenly Mother came for us!"
Is there any other reason needed for our Mother to come to this world, other than for Her children dying in pain?
It is I, who always make mistakes, and it is our Mother, who bears all the costs.
However, She never leaves me but stays close by my side.

Since I am a person who would never wake up even when it thundered, I could surely realize Mother's love through my second child.
Though I also had fever and had a flu, because I am a mother, I first worry about my child.

Because Heavenly Mother is with me, I believe I can overcome all kinds of illness that this world may give.



  1. Anonymous20 May, 2013

    The Love of Heavenly Mother is so great! Thru the experience physically, we can come to know spiritual situation.
    Revelation 4:11
    New International Version (NIV)
    11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God,
    to receive glory and honor and power,
    for you created all things,
    and by your will they were created
    and have their being.”

  2. We couldn't realize the situation before we have experience.
    Also we don't know the deepest love of mother before we became mother.
    How can we imagine about the heavenly mother's love.
    I just thank you heavenly Mother to became my mother.
