
Life that never ends ( WMSCOG , Christ Ahnsahnghong , Heavenly Mother )

Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother give us eternal life through the new covenant Passover. WMSCOG only follow teaching of God the Father and God the Mother.  
God the Father and God the Mother promise us to give the kingdom of heaven .

In the morning, I read an article that really touched me.

An Australian woman delivered twins after 27 weeks. The daughter was born relatively healthy, but the son weighing 2.2lbs, was having difficulty in breathing.

Though the medical team quickly gave first aid, but the child lost its breath and died.

However, the mother and the father didn't give up and asked the doctor for a last chance.

She embraced her child and while touching the child’s cheek with hers, the mother breastfed. Two hours passed and something unbelievable happened.

The child, who was supposed to be dead, started moving its fingers.

“Something happened that we can just express it as a miracle. When my son slightly held on my finger, at an instinct I knew that our relationship didn't end.”

The child’s breathe became normal and eventually became healthy. He is growing up healthily like normal children.

Mother’s burning love that revived a heart is truly amazing.

I give thanks to God the Mother who never gives up on us, running towards the way of death

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