
The Earth is prison of the soul? ( WMSCOG , Christ Ahnsahnghong )

Guilty people go to prison in this world.
And I did pay the value of sin can be released again.
Nobody can substitute for their sins.
Thus God realize to us the principle of the Spirit through the fresh's principle.
Our soul is sinners who sin in the heaven, are descended to the earth like a prison.( Mattew9:13)
So we live in the earth like prison in the fresh such as prison uniforms.
What is the sinner to recieve the most? Is forgiven.
Our soul is the same. Through remission may be able to return to the kingdom of heaven.
There are only God who give us forgiveness of sins of our soul. ( Mattew 26:26~28 )
The last time of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit and the Bride said that he has given us the forgiveness of sins.
pls click here if you know more about the truth.

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