
Set a true goal in life , go for our real life [ Christ Ahnsahnghong , Heavenly Mother ,WMSCOG ]

It is important to live faithfully and diligently on this earth, but we should first have a true goal, realizing why we need to live such a faithful life. Life without a goal is meaningless. However, most people set goals in life only for things that are right in front of them, and they live their lives blindly without finding any answers to life. Many people are trying to pursue wealth and glory of the world for themselves or for their family, but unfortunately their efforts mostly end up in vain. Wealth or glory cannot be a true goal in life.

Even Alexander the Great, who is called a hero in the world, could give no other answer than "death" when he was asked what he would do after conquering everything. What about us? An even more meaningful world is waiting for us. So we must not set goals only for making a living on this earth, but for the eternal kingdom of heaven. The reason why God came to this earth is also for the salvation of human beings, and God says that saving a soul is saving the world. Let us live a truly meaningful and blessed life by leading many souls to salvation, starting with our family and neighbors. And let us please and glorify Father and Mother by bearing abundant good fruit while setting a good example for others by living our lives faithfully on this earth as well.

Elohim, who have all authority in heaven and on earth, have given us the authority to decide the future of mankind and commanded us to go. They have also given us courage by saying, "Do not be afraid; I am with you and will help you always." There are still many nations and peoples that have not heard the gospel of God yet. Let us all preach the gospel to them, so that the glorious day can quickly come when all human beings will be saved. Keeping in mind again the mission given to us in this age, let us preach the glory of the New Jerusalem to the whole world as children of Elohim, so that all mankind will be saved in the arms of Heavenly Mother and enter the eternal kingdom of heaven together.

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