
God's will and our faith - World Mission Society Church of God , Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother

World Mission Society Church of God follow the teaching of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother who are savior in this Holy Spirit Age.
Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother promise us to give eternal life through the new covenant Passover.

God alway want to change to us as heavenly people and waiting until now.
When we change to heavenly people without blemish, can go back to the heavenly hometown.
To do this, also, we must keep the faith till the end.
God said, " My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge"( Hos 4: 6). what kind of knowledge is God referring to in this verse?
We must recognize that we have a God the Mother, as well as a God the Father. We must accept Elohim God.
Also, we must firmly believe that God is our Mother, who gives us salvation alongside our Father.
Only after we come to realize this can we say that we have the knowledge of God, and we will not be those who are destroyed from a"lack of knowledge".
The bible testifies that the Holy Sprit is God Ahnsahnghong, and the Bride is Jerusalem Mother.
Let us accept God Ahnsahnghong, the Holy Spirit, and Jerusalem Mother, the Bride, who give us the water of life in these last days, so that we can enter the kingdom of heaven.

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