
What is the worthy more than jewels? Christ Ahnsahnghong, God the Mother , WMSCOG

Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother promise us to give eternal life through the new covenant Passover. So we can enter the kingdom of heaven where is those who have eternal life.
God said " the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. " (Matthew 13:44 ~ 46)
And to get the treasures buy that field by selling all his possessions.
More valuable than the possession of his treasures hidden in the fields, so it is for granted behavior.
Kingdom of Heaven that God will allow us is nothing compared to the value of 800 billion.
We can not begin to imagine the world is a heaven.
Just passed a huge treasure of heaven, would you go?
Or somehow will make heaven mine? The selection of your remains.


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