
Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh ( WMSCOG , Christ Ahnsahnghong )

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.
because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
This is how you can recognize the spirit of God ;
Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God.
But every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God.
This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and now is already in the world. ( 1 John 4:1~3 )
A true Christian with true faith is he who believe in the Second Coming of Christ, savior who has come as man in the age of the Holy Spirit.

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The second coming Christ ( WMSCOG, Christ Ahnsahnghong )

The bible testefy that Jesus has come the second time for saving a lot of people.(Hebrews 9:28).
The second time is he also has come as man.
So the Bible write  " I ( Jesus ) have a baptism to undergo "(Luke 12:50),
"'New name' is used rather than the name of Jesus "(Revelation 3:12) be recorded in the bible.
This is a prophecy about the Second Coming of Christ.


For what people live? ( WMSCOG, Christ Ahnsahnghong )

First, What are the inside of people who hope to heaven ?
The answer is compassion for others.
After all , with this mind, just as Jesus are interested in the salvation of sinners ,
are interested in the lives of others.
Second, What is God not to allow to mankind.
It was a time of death.
God is not allowed to know the time of death to human being ,
but should be recognized what is the most important thing in living life through the Bible.
The third, what humans live.
The answer is Jesus show us himself through all activities.
It is the love of God. People live with the love of God.


When is your golden time? ( WMSCOG, Christ Ahnsahnghong )

Golden Time..
It is the time not to be missed to save the lives of patients.
Golden time is 1 hour in case of patients with severe trauma such as traffic accidents,
3 hours of stroke onset patients.
In that time, unless proper medical treatment the patient will die.
Thus, the absolute golden time is not to be missed.
Likewise, to save the life of our souls, never miss a golden time.
Golden hands of time begins to move at the same time when born in this world.
we must eat and drink flesh and blood of Jesus, can be obtained the life of the soul. (John 6:53).
How to eat and drink the flesh and blood of Jesus,
the Passover bread and wine will be eating and drinking. (Matthew 26: 26)
Therefore, in order to receive eternal life necessarily must keep the Passover.
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is the most happy with whom? ( WMSCOG , Christ Ahnsahnghong )

In the future, our souls go to heaven where it should not mourning the death, neither sorrow, or pain.
Heaven is place filled with happiness.
It is some strange that God the Mother isn't in complete the kingdom of Heaven.
"Why did God the Father put the mother in this world?" Does not look to be in doubt.
And why did the father call me?
It defies the imagination, the kingdom of heaven , the absence of God the mother, seems incomplete.
Among the family a complete source of happiness is 'mother'.


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Gone with the Wind. ( WMSCOG, Christ Ahnsahnghong )

God said to us " Don't work for vanish with the wind such as corruptible foods "
and Jesus said to us " Work for the food of eternal life , i will give you "
It is just Jesus's flesh and blood that make us eternal life.
Jesus said to them, " I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of Son of Man and drink his blood,
you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life ,
and i raise him up at the last day. ( John 6:53~54)

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Do you have a home town of the soul? ( WMSCOG , Christ Ahnsahnghong )

If we are thinking about home, heart fluttering.
There was no familiarity but is it childhood memories in our mind?
And because that is where I was born, it seems to be longing more .
We can find the home of our souls in the bible.
There is my parents of spirit, where my soul was born.
I miss the spirit of our hometown when I saw my childhood in my dream.
I really miss you. And I'd like to go back to the home town.

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A Life Pursuing Meaningless Things ( WMSCOG, Christ Ahnsahnghong )

The Bible describes our days on this earth as "like the morning dew" that quickly disappears.
 Like God's trustworthy word, our days pass very quickly.
We need to contemplate how empty and meaningless human life is and how quickly it fades away. As people of Zion, we should devote our whole time to what is true and hopeful─what is entrusted to us by God. Unlike the people who waste their whole lives pursuing worthless things, we live our lives for the eternal kingdom of heaven. Now, let's have time to renew our hope for heaven through the words of the Bible.

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I am so happy because of My Mother ( WMSCOG, Christ Ahnsahnghong )

Everyone pursue the happiness.
Our biggest interesting thing is "How to be happy ".
How we can enjoy the greatest happiness, not instantly lead to eternal happiness?
The French writer Victor Hugo has defined,
"The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved."
That are loved by somebody, this is indeed what we will enjoy the best of happiness.
"At the moment I was really happy to be loved," he has shouting.
The saint of World Mission Society Church of God.
Whose love give to them such a 'happy', they confidently shouting toward the world ?
"'Mother' got us happy."
Because they loved by God the mother, they say " everyday i am happy".
I wonder that they are so happy by what kind of love?



Jacob's trouble? ( WMSCOG, Christ Ahnsahnghong )

Anyone who believes in God know Jacob as ancestor of the faith.
God is recorded Jacob's life in the Bible, there is the hidden meaning that God want to realize us God' will and give us the lesson.
In the process of returning home Jacob was a lot of issues and conflicts
and also were many sufferings.
However, Jacob win from all these things , eventually went back to his hometown.
This information that we think the future will need to return home is an important parables.
Despite the hardships and suffering, not weary from ardent minds who want to return home
Must keep the belief that will be return to the home town till the end .
In order to go back the eternal home of spirit, what we really ready to do?

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Jesus and Paul keep it... You? ( WMSCOG, Christ Ahnsahnghong )

Christ Jesus came to the earth in the flesh.
The purpose of Jesus came to the earth is to free us from our sins and to save our soul.
All acts of the New Testament of Jesus set the example for us to keep it.
Jesus did keep the passover. ( Matthew 26:19 ~ 28 ), ( Luke 22:13 ~ 15 )
 Paul kept the Passover, too.
For Christ, our Passover lamb , has been sacrificed.
Therefore let us keep the Festival(1 Corinthians 5:7 - 8)
 For i received from the Lord Jesus ~ This is my body, ...(1 Corinthians 11:23 - 26)
If you believe in Jesus and love shall keep the Passover (John 14:15). Passover, obey you?

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Have you ever seen an angel? ( WMSCOG )

The angel is the existence of a putative that we can't see eye to eye.
 By the way, can you believe we were angels?
The Bible clearly says that we have evidence of Angel of heaven.( ECC 12: 7)
People who believe in God is not denied.
So why are we living in this land was formerly an Angel?
Why do we forget the memories of angels?
The Bible tells us clearly that this answers.


The Earth is prison of the soul? ( WMSCOG , Christ Ahnsahnghong )

Guilty people go to prison in this world.
And I did pay the value of sin can be released again.
Nobody can substitute for their sins.
Thus God realize to us the principle of the Spirit through the fresh's principle.
Our soul is sinners who sin in the heaven, are descended to the earth like a prison.( Mattew9:13)
So we live in the earth like prison in the fresh such as prison uniforms.
What is the sinner to recieve the most? Is forgiven.
Our soul is the same. Through remission may be able to return to the kingdom of heaven.
There are only God who give us forgiveness of sins of our soul. ( Mattew 26:26~28 )
The last time of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit and the Bride said that he has given us the forgiveness of sins.
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Where are we going after die ? ( WMSCOG )

Where are we from?
where are we going after we die?
Though many philosophers, theologians and scientists have searched the answer to the meaning of life for centuries, they couldn't even suggest a theory without contradicting themselves.
Without knowing the meaning of life people are wandering, being tied up with their jobs and face death.
Just as leaves fall dawn, being blown by the wind, our life is but an empty dream like fallen leaves.
There is something important hidden in our life.
The Bible teaches that death means "to return" to heaven. (Ecc 12:7)
"To return" means to go back to where you came from
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Truth is in the Bible. ( WMSCOG )

The internet has incredibly evolved to become the #1 source of information.
 It has evolved to accommodate lifestyles, laws and the like.
Before the internet, however, people readily received their information, thru word of mouth, regular mail, verbal conversations via phone and face to face and of course thru books, ie encyclopedia, dictionary and non-fiction paperbacks.
As the world evolved, so have people’s attitudes, behaviors, beliefs and customs.
This constant change has led to the mistrust of what was once considered a staple in the way of life. When I think of the Bible, I can’t help but to be so thankful because the word of God is truly beyond perfect.
It doesn’t require man’s interpretation opinions or experiences. God knows man’s hearts and motives. Because we are all sinners (Romans 6:23) who are destined to die, God almighty came in the flesh to testify about Himself thru the Bible and show the way of salvation.
Jesus Christ said in John 5:39, You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you posses eternal life.
These are the Scriptures that testify about me yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” Jesus Christ used the Scriptures (Bible) to testify about Himself.
That’s why the word of God is so perfect because He is perfect.



God loves me, i love God also? ( WMSCOG , Christ Ahnsahnghong )

God loves me, I love God also?
The word love seems to be easy and difficult.
Like the love between a man and a woman, for the love of God is more difficult to define.
God's love is not the end and only just gives us love.
How about we do?
If you love God must do what pleases God.
What is the thing that is pleasing to God?
According to the Bible, we can know what is pleasing to God.
Those who do the will of God, that he might delights ( Matthew 7:21~23)

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The Soul (the perfect 'second life' Dreaming ) WMSCOG

The answer to the life of our souls only can know through the Bible.
WMSCOG believe in Elohim God, God the Father Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.

Many people think If the body dies, everything will end.
Many people are thinking like that. So when they retired after a short retirement,
aka decent second life as comfortable and live longer writes her living life to die.
Personal pension or retirement pension, pension, etc. That's why it is a concern. 
 If so, by the death of the flesh, our lives really does end,
 In other words, while the body dies the soul does die.
If it is only flesh, and we prepare for retirement is to living your own lives.
But otherwise, after the death of our flesh, the second coming of another life 'spiritual life' need for thorough preparation.  
 through the bible, record for body and soul, let's find out we need to be prepared what is Second Life.
 "The dust ( phisical ) returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it (ECC 12:7)"
 Just remember that there are life of the soul ( sprittual life ) with God Elohim.

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